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Writer's pictureDr. Kristian Frantzen

Shaping Culture through Personal Connections

Updated: Jul 4

As a leadership coach specialising in emotional intelligence (EI), I've always underscored the importance of personal relationships in shaping workplace culture. Recently, I came across an online quote that deeply resonated with me. It said, “you don't change culture through emails and WhatsApp messages, you change it through relationships - one conversation at a time.”

The Power of Conversations

In today's digital world, we often forget the profound impact of face-to-face conversations. It's these personal interactions that have the power to transform our workplace culture.

Emotional Intelligence

Emotional Intelligence is the key ingredient for these culture-shaping conversations. EI is all about knowing, using, understanding and managing emotions effectively. It helps us empathise, communicate clearly, tackle challenges and calm conflicts. So, what EI skills do we need to see this change?

1. Self-Awareness

Being aware of your emotions and their impact on others is the foundation of EI. A self-aware leader understands their strengths and weaknesses and can regulate their emotions. They understand their effect on the team's morale and culture, turning each conversation into an opportunity for improvement and growth.

2. Empathy

Empathy is the ability to understand and share the feelings of another. An empathetic leader can connect with their team on a deeper level, creating a culture of trust and respect. Empathetic conversations can break down the barriers of hierarchy, leading to more open and honest communication.

3. Social Skills

Leaders with strong social skills can navigate and influence the mood and behaviours of their team. They excel at managing disputes, inspiring and guiding team members and forming strong relationships. Good social skills pave the way for effective and meaningful conversations that help shape a positive culture.

4. Self-Regulation

Leaders who can control their emotions and reactions have the power to set a positive example for their team. Self-regulation in a conversation shows respect for others' thoughts and feelings, promoting a culture of fairness and responsiveness.

5. Motivation

Motivated leaders are commitment-driven and have a clear vision. Their passion is contagious and naturally inspires others. Each conversation with a motivated leader can instil a sense of purpose and direction, influencing the team's overall culture.

The Shift from Digital to Personal

While the digital age has made communication faster and more efficient, it's crucial not to overlook the power of personal conversations. The essence of a culture lies not in electronic exchanges but in the shared experiences, mutual understanding, and common values that are best communicated through personal interactions.

Emotionally intelligent leaders, armed with self-awareness, empathy, social skills, self-regulation and motivation, are the catalysts for this cultural shift. They understand that every conversation is an opportunity to mold a positive, inclusive, and inspiring work culture.

Remember, the change begins with you, one conversation at a time.

If you are interested in hearing more about Indago Development’s training programmes please feel free to reach out for a no-committment call.

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