The Social Care Training Programme: part 1 is designed to support either migrant workers who are new to the UK or those who are looking to relocate in the near future. It has a focus on educating learners with the foundational knowledge and understanding to enable a better transition into a UK care home.
This programme runs for six-weeks. It includes e-learning modules and webinars. E-learning modules are released weekly, and they are self-paced. Weekly webinars bring the learners together. They consolidate the e-learning and begin to develop soft-skills (communication and language adaptability). Webinars be led by expert trainers and coaches.
Learners are given one-to-one feedback that is bespoke to them, throughout the training programme.
We know that the training greatly improves carers' readiness for work in a UK Care Home. It is research-led and grounded in real-life care home experiences, best practices and industry knowledge. It is mapped against the UK Care Workforce Pathway. It is matched to the Care Certificate.
Please see the Curriculum Overview for more details